India's supercomputer PARAM Yuva II, developed by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), has been ranked first in India, ninth in the Asia Pacific Region and 44th in the world among the most power efficient computer systems as per theGreen500 List announced at the Supercomputing Conference (SC 2013) in Denver, Colorado, in the US, an official release said here Wednesday.
in general, consume a lot of electrical power and produce much heat
that necessitates elaborate cooling facilities to ensure proper
operation. This adds to increase in the total cost of ownership (TCO) of
a supercomputer. To draw focus towards development of energy efficient
supercomputers, Green500 ranks computer systems in the world according
to compute performance per watt, thus providing a world ranking based on
energy efficiency.
Kapil Sibal,
minister for communications and information technology, said
supercomputing is very important for all-round advancement in the
country, and the government is planning a big impetus for
capacity-building and advanced research and development in this area.
He said he would expect many more contributions from C-DAC, as a key player in this endeavour.
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